
Issues we all have in common:


“Right-to-work” allows workers to opt-out of their fair share of union dues, stretching your union to the breaking point by forcing it to cover free riders.

Prevailing Wage

Ensures that all contractors bidding on public construction projects will pay family-supporting wages and projects will be built to the highest standards by skilled, safe, well-trained construction craftspeople


Federal Davis-Bacon law sets a wage floor for federal construction projects that prevents government spending from undermining local wages and living standards.

These candidates have our back on the big 3 issues

Abrams, Cindy R
Antani, Niraj R
Antonio, Nickie D
Baldridge, Brian R
Barnes, John D
Bird, Adam R
Blackshear, Willis D
Blessing, LouisR
Boggs, KristinD
Boyd, Janine D
Brenner, AndyR
Brent, Juanita D
Brinkman, Tom R
Brown, Richard D
Callender, Jamie R
Carruthers, Sara R
Cirino, Jerry R
Click, Gary R
Craig, Hearcel D
Creech, Rodney R
Cross, Jon R
Crossman, Jeffrey D
Cupp, Bob R
Cutrona, Al R
Davis, Shayla D
Dean, Bill R
Denson, Sedrick D
DeWine, Mike R
Dolan, Matt R
Edwards, Jay R
Faber, Keith R
Fedor, Teresa D
Ferguson, Ron R
Fowler Arthur, Sarah R
Fraizer, Mark R
Galonski, Tavia D
Gavarone, TheresaR
Ghanbari, Haraz R
Ginter, Tim R
Grendell, Diane R
Gross, Jennifer R
Hackett, Bob R
Hall, Thomas R
Hicks-Hudson, Paula D
Hillyer, Brett R
Hoagland, Frank R
Holmes, Adam R
Hoops, James R
Hottinger, Jay R
Huffman, Matt R
Huffman, Steve R
Humphrey, LatynaD
Ingram, Catherine D
Jarrells, DontaviusD
John, Marilyn R
Johnson, Mark R
Johnson, Terry R
Jones, Don R
Jordan, KrisR
Kelly, Brigid D
Kick, Darrell R
Koehler, Kyle R
Kunze, Stephanie R
Lampton, Brian R
Lanese, Laura R
Lang, George R
LaRe, Jeffrey R
LaRose, FrankR
Leland, David D
Lepore-Hagan, Michele D
Lightbody, Mary D
Lipps, Scott R
Liston, Beth D
Loychik, Mike R
Maharath, Tina D
Manchester, SusanR
Manning, Gayle R
Manning, Nathan R
McClain, Riordan R
McColley, Rob R
Merrin, Derek R
Miller, Adam D
Miller, JoeD
Miller, Kevin R
Miranda, JessicaD
O’Brien, MichaelD
O’Brien, Sandra R
Oelslager, Scott R
Patton, Tom R
Pavliga, Gail R
Peterson, Bob R
Plummer, Phil R
Powell, Jena R
Ray, Sharon R
Reineke, Bill R
Richardson, Tracy R
Riedel, Craig R
Robinson, Phillip D
Roegner, Kristina R
Roemer, Bill R
Romanchuk, Mark R
Rulli, Michael R
Russo, Allison D
Schaffer, Tim R
Schmidt, Jean R
Schuring, KirkR
Seitz, Bill R
Sheehy, MichaelD
Skindell, Michael D
Smith, KentD
Smith, Monique D
Sobecki, Lisa D
Sprague, Bob R
Stein, Dick R
Stephens, Jason R
Stevens, Shawn R
Stewart, Brian R
Stoltzfus, Reggie R
Swearingen, D.J. R
Sweeney, Bride Rose D
Sykes, Emilia D
Sykes, VernonD
Thomas, Cecil D
Troy, Daniel D
Upchurch, Terrence D
Vitale, Nino R
Weinstein, CaseyD
West, ThomasD
White, Andrea R
Wiggam, Scott R
Wilkin, ShaneR
Williams, Sandra D
Wilson, Steve R
Yost, DaveR
Young, Bob R
Young, Tom R
Yuko, KennyD
Zeltwanger, Paul R


P: (614) 895-9002
F: (614) 895-8082

152 Dorchester Square, Westerville - Ohio 43081